Friday, October 29, 2010

I Wanna Be Elected

I never lied to you, I've always been cool,
I wanna be elected,
I gotta get the vote, and I told you 'bout school,
I wanna be elected, elected, elected,
Hallelujah, I wanna be selected,
Everyone in the United States of America.
This time of year always drives me crazy, the amount of outright lies being told by both parties running in a continuous loop on my TV and radio just makes me want to scream. Luckily the screaming fits in nicely with Halloween. It seems that they'll say anything to be elected ... truth be damned.  One of my goals with "Rockhaven Views" is to hopefully shed some light on issues that will make us all better investors and citizens. Unfortunately, investing, economics, and politics are more intertwined today than ever before. It is not good enough to simply identify well managed companies, invest in them, and forget them. Today so much of our potential returns are being driven by what Washington does and doesn't do. It is imperative for us to sift through the lies and focus on the facts.
First - Unemployment - It's much worse than either party would have you believe.
The good folks at Shadow Government Statistics ( take the unemployment numbers and calculate true unemployment the same way it was calculated in the 1930's. That is, they make the adjustments necessary so we can compare apples to apples. The unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and parroted by the mainstream media is currently 9.6%. 9.6% as long as you stop counting people who have given up looking for jobs and "left the workforce", discouraged workers, and marginally attached part-time workers. Using the method of measuring unemployment used during the Great Depression the real unemployment rate is a depression like 22.5%. The peak unemployment rate in the Great Depression was 25%. 
If it's really this bad why don't we see massive bread lines wrapped around the corner? Welcome to the electronic depression ... iDepression 2.0. 60Minutes did a great segment last week on the 99ers Unemployment Benefits: The 99ers . We don't see bread lines today because we have 99 weeks of unemployment and food stamps that are direct deposited into your bank account. People go on living in their McMansions even if they haven't made a mortgage payment in 14 months. There were no credit cards in 1933. In the '30's if you didn't have a job you didn't have a house, and you had to move to where the jobs were. Hence the mass migration to California - "The Grapes Of Wrath". Today, a neighbor living in a similar house as yours, with a perfectly manicured lawn, could be unemployed for nearly three years and no one would ever know. They could sustain themselves on unemployment, food stamps, credit cards, and depleted 401-K savings.
The social safety net has worked. But the net is designed to alleviate the pain, not end it. Only a robust and growing economy can end the pain. The sad fact for many is that we are getting pretty much near the end of this three year safety net, and there are still no real jobs.
Second - Politicians Don't Create Jobs.
Nearly every politician in the U.S. is running for election on a platform of "creating" jobs. Only one problem. Politicians don't create jobs. Businesses create jobs. When politicians and the Federal Reserve get involved in the job market bad things happen. When the Federal Reserve decided to lower interest rates after the tech bubble burst, they created a housing bubble that "created" 1 million new construction jobs between 2002 and 2006. Of course when that bubble burst, it led to the loss of 2 million construction jobs since 2007. The government can create artificial environments, with artificial jobs, that have no chance of being sustained. Hiring Census workers is an example of short-term artificial jobs. The Obama stimulus package has also created an environment of artificial jobs that can't be sustained. 

The reality is that Greenspan, Bernanke, and the rest of the Federal Reserve Governors “created” millions of jobs that were not sustainable. Their policies distorted an already tenuous economic model, dependent upon consumer spending, no savings, and delusions of home wealth. The table below paints the picture of sorrow. The key points are:

  • The number of employed Americans has declined by 7.4 million since 2007.
  • Goods producing jobs have declined by 19% since 2007, while service jobs have only declined by 2.8%.
  • Luckily (or unfortunately), Government jobs have actually increased since 2007.
  • The population of the US has increased by 10.8 million since 2007.
  • The working age population has increased by 6.5 million since 2007, while the work force has only increased by 1 million.
  • Only 58.5% of the working age population in the U.S. is currently employed versus 64.4% in 2000, a lower level than in 1978.
Type of Jobs                        2007                      Today                Change             % Change
Mining & Logging724745212.9%
      TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING22,23318,019-4,214-19.0%
Trade & Transportation26,63024,785-1,845-6.9%
Education & Health Services18,32219,6111,2897.0%
Professional & Business Services17,94216,734-1,208-6.7%
Financial Services8,3017,577-724-8.7%
Leisure & Hospitality13,42713,169-258-1.9%
Information Services3,0322,711-321-10.6%
Other Services5,4945,364-130-2.4%
      TOTAL SERVICES115,366112,182-3,184-2.8%
ALL JOBS137,599130,201-7,398-5.4%
U.S. Population299,398310,23310,8353.6%
% of Population Employed46.0%42.0%  

When I hear Obama and his minions blather on about the jobs we have added in the last six months, I want to break something. The truth is that the country should still have 64.4% of the working age population employed today as we did 10 years ago. That means we should have 153.5 million employed Americans today. Instead, we have 130.2 million employed Americans. That is a 23.3 million job deficit and the Obama administration crows when we add 50,000 new jobs in a month. Welcome to iDepression 2.0. 
Again, jobs, "real jobs," can only be created by businesses. Businesses run based on sound economic principals of supply and demand. Don't get me wrong, the government can do something to help create jobs, they can create an environment that encourages businesses to grow. Namely they can get out of the way! Massive cuts and simplification in regulations, and taxes. And certainty. Today, with two months left in the year, we don't know what are tax rates will be next year. We have no idea what our health care costs will be. We are perceived and treated by the administration as pariahs. Also, failure needs to be allowed. If I manage my company better than my competitor than I should get his customers, he should not be supported by taxpayer dollars. Just think how well Ford would be doing if GM and Chrysler were allowed to fail. That is as it should be. 
Third - Dollar Debasement
No matter what the Treasury tells you, we do not have a "strong dollar policy." As I mentioned last week there is ample evidence to the contrary, namely the 40% decline in the value of the dollar relative to a trade weighted basket of major currencies.
As for Mr. Geithner's G-20 announcement of a global currency agreement, well that lasted all of four days! Under the "agreement" the keepers of the dollar, euro and yen agreed to "be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movement in exchange rates" and China agreed to "move towards more market-determined exchange-rate systems that reflect underlying fundamentals."  
Now with the Fed ready to embark on a trillion dollar Quantitative Easing (QE2), it's amazing that Timmy Geithner didn't get laughed out of the room. Not to worry, just four days after the G-20 meeting the finance chiefs from South Korea and South Africa said they will act to slow gains in their currencies relative to a declining US dollar.
There are two solutions to this constant devaluing currency mess, unfortunately neither will be done until after the crisis is much deeper. One is to stop the US governments spending increase, raise interest rates, reduce and simplify taxes and regulations, and watch revenues increase as businesses prosper. The other would be to go on a type of international gold standard that would stabilize currency markets, lessen inflation, and lessen the debasement of all currencies.
Fourth - Education
I am by no means an expert of any kind on education. I am simply a product/survivor of our education system, and I have two daughters deeply involved in the process. What I do know is that our current system is broken. We have had constant/continuous increases in the cost of education and very little in the way of improved academics. On average college tuition has increased at 8% a year, meaning that the cost of college doubles every nine years. It's hard to get good numbers on the increased taxes going to support our public education machinery, but I know they have increased far faster than the rate of inflation. 
Anyway, I think we all need to rethink how education works. Our current model of teaching kids has changed very little since the Industrial Revolution...maybe its time for a change. I highly recommend the following video from education expert Sir Ken Robinson, it is tremendous food for thought!
Finally - It Is Time
It is time for the people, the real people of this country who have worked and saved and done the right things, only to have been beaten down. It is time for these people to stand up to those in power and take this country back. It is time for moral backbone. It is time to vote.
As Ma Joad said at the end of "The Grapes Of Wrath":
"I ain’t never gonna be scared no more. I was, though. For a while it looked as though we was beat. Good and beat. Looked like we didn’t have nobody in the whole wide world but enemies. Like nobody was friendly no more. Made me feel kinda bad and scared too, like we was lost and nobody cared…. Rich fellas come up and they die, and their kids ain’t no good and they die out, but we keep on coming. We’re the people that live. They can’t wipe us out, they can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever, Pa, cos we’re the people."
Be careful out there, and keep the light's on,

Chris Wiles, CFA

For prior Rockhaven Views visit:

This article contains the current opinions of the author but not necessarily those of the Rockhaven Capital Management.  The author’s opinions are subject to change without notice. This article is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein are based upon proprietary research and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fed Running The "Most Brazen" Ponzi Scheme of All Time

Fed Running The "Most Brazen" Ponzi Scheme of All Time

This is an important piece, please take the time to read it.
It is written by Bill Gross, founder and Co-CIO of PIMCO, and the worlds largest fixed income fund manager. As the worlds largest fixed income fund manager Mr. Gross has a vested interest in keeping his investors happily invested in PIMCO's bond funds. But as an honest man who has already made a couple of billion for himself he feels compelled to call it like he sees it...and it isn't pretty. In his most recent post he calls the Fed's proposed Quantitative Easing (QE2) the "Most Brazen" Ponzi scheme of all time, and like all Ponzi scheme's it won't end well. Treasury bond buyers will be lucky to not lose significant amounts of their investment. Now of course he hedges his outright bond bearishness near the end of his article by saying that the skillful managers at PIMCO will be able to lose less money for their clients, but there is no mistake in his call ... Sell All Treasuries!

Be careful out there, and keep the light's on,

Chris Wiles, CFA

For prior Rockhaven Views visit:

This article contains the current opinions of the author but not necessarily those of the Rockhaven Capital Management.  The author’s opinions are subject to change without notice. This article is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein are based upon proprietary research and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin

One of the most important things that Charles Darwin taught us was that every living organism has a will to survive. Maybe "will" is too weak of a word, "imperative" is a better word. The most basic rule of life is survival, it is hardwired in every organism's DNA to survive, procreate, and further the species. Those that do not succeed in satisfying these imperatives become extinct. This is the way of the world, and not just the biological world, but the world of organizations (corporations, non-profits, governments) too.

As Darwin's quote from above states, survival does not always go to the strongest or most intelligent, but to those most adaptable to change. If an organization fails at its most basic requirement, survival, than it should become extinct. This is a basic law of nature and a core element of capitalism. This is as it should be, and there are no reasons that a dysfunctional corporation (or government) unable to survive should be saved!

Now I've read a lot lately about people trying to identify exactly what the Tea Party Movement is all about, and I'm not sure we'll ever really know all the various facets that make up this organization, but there seems to be one common thread...survival. An inherent belief that individuals, and organizations, that work hard to do the right things to further their survival should be allowed to survive; while those that fail should, well, fail.

I consider myself part of this movement, the survival movement. We're tired of our nations entitlement attitude. We're furious that failing banks and failing auto companies got bailed out with our hard earned dollars, and are again reaping exorbitant profits at our expense. We're furious that individuals living way beyond their means are getting bailed out. All this, while those of us who did the right things to make sure our families survived; things like paying off debts, saving, and living within our means, are now faced with increasing taxes, zero percent savings rates, and a devaluing dollar. This is where the anger comes from, it appears that the laws of nature are being violated, and we know that's not right.

Yes, the laws of nature are being violated, by a government who believes they can create an environment with no losers. We have a government deeply and actively involved in nearly all aspects of our lives, via regulations, taxes, and capital market interventions. But they fail to realize that by making a country where natures losers aren't really losers, we all lose. That is not how the natural world works. We also know it won't last. You can only violate the laws of nature for so long, eventually this will end. How it will end is the great unknown. But nature will be served, failure will eventually be rewarded with failure. Those able to adapt to these rapidly changing times will survive.

Speaking of Government Intervention/Manipulation of the Capital Markets -- The Yield at Recent TIPS Auction is Negative 0.55%!!

Yes, that's right, on Monday the Treasury auctioned off 5 year TIPS at a yield of -0.55%. This is the first time TIPS have ever had a negative yield at auction. What this says is that investors are willing to pay the Treasury money to loan them money, in exchange for an option to make money in an inflationary environment. These are very strange times, with the Fed embarking on a new round of Quantitative Easing, where they will buy Treasuries and TIPS, it is hard to tell what the real levels on securities should be. To me this negative yield means that there is huge uncertainty about the future course of inflation, and that translates into a big value for the embedded option in TIPS.  

We've never had a period like this, with such massive government involvement in the capital markets, there's just no telling how it's going to work out. If anyone says they know whats going to happen, run from them.

Where do we stand?
All of our models continue to be in bullish territory, so we are at maximum weight in each asset. 

US Equities -- 
Int'l Equities -- 
Bullish, both developed markets and emerging markets
US REITs --  
Int'l REITs -- 
Gold -- Bullish, record highs 
Commodities -- 
US Fixed Income -- Bullish, showing signs of weakening on inflation expectations.
Int'l Fixed Income -- Bullish, and emerging market debt Bullish
Cash Equivalents -- Nearly 0% 

Sound Investment Advise:

In honor of Halloween I thought I would throw this video clip out there as an example of what goes on during a HFT (High-Frequency Trading) induced market crash. Enjoy!

New Bill in the Works: In order to rapidly devalue the dollar, (in order to make our debts worth_less), the Federal Reserve has come up with a new denomination...You Just Fill in the Amount.

One of the Funniest Campaign Ads:

Be careful out there, and keep the light's on,

Chris Wiles, CFA

For prior Rockhaven Views visit:

This article contains the current opinions of the author but not necessarily those of the Rockhaven Capital Management.  The author’s opinions are subject to change without notice. This article is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein are based upon proprietary research and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Things Really Piss Me Off

Some Things Really Piss Me Off --- Chief Among Them Are Blatant Lies By Government Officials:

I don't know if Mr. Geithner thinks we are all stupid, or if he actually believes anything he is saying. Out of one side of his mouth he says, "We will not devalue the dollar!" Out of the other side of his mouth he says, "that we really want the dollar devalued versus the Chinese yuan!" Well, which is it? 
Oh, and by the way, Mr. Geithner did you happen to catch any of Mr. Bernanke's speech last Friday. In nearly 4,000 words he went on and on about how the Fed was ready to do whatever is necessary to stimulate the economy, printing money to buy treasuries (i.e. Quantitative Easing), was chief among the proposed solutions. But not once in 4,000 words did he mention the US Dollar, it is not part of Fed policy.
Lets not take Mr. Geithner's word, lets just look at the facts. The first chart below shows the value of the US dollar versus a basket of other currencies, as you can see the trend is clearly down. And remember this measurement is against other currencies that are actively trying to devalue too. So far we're winning that race!
The second and third chart show the value of the dollar versus gold. I don't need to belabor the point, but clearly the US has not, and does not, have a strong dollar policy!
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Monday that the dollar will remain the world's reserve currency during "our lifetime" and the United States will not devalue it.
"It is not going to happen in this country. It is very important for people to understand that the United States of America and no country around the world can devalue its way to prosperity, to (be) competitive," Geithner told Silicon Valley business leaders. "It is not a viable, feasible strategy and we will not engage in it."

Chart Showing US Dollar vs Other Currencies:

Charts Showing US Dollar vs Gold:

Be careful out there, and keep the light's on,

Chris Wiles, CFA

For prior Rockhaven Views visit:

This article contains the current opinions of the author but not necessarily those of the Rockhaven Capital Management.  The author’s opinions are subject to change without notice. This article is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein are based upon proprietary research and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.